Installing OasisPy

Getting OasisPy is easy.

For those with pip, simply fetch the package with:

$ pip install OasisPy

Upon installation you will be prompted with a few questions. The first is the path where OasisPy will place the OASIS directory, which contains the directory tree in which all of OasisPy’s image proccessing will take place. You can make this path anything you want, but to make it easier to find later it usually is best to stick with simple location like your home directory. The second prompt you will recieve will be asking if you would like to install the ISIS image subtraction program along with your OasisPy installation. The default to this is yes, and should always be so unless you know for a fact you have this software already installed on your machine.

System Requirements

OasisPy was developed on a Linux machine and must be run on a POSIX-compliant system.

Software Requirements

There are a number of outside programs OasisPy calls on that will need to be installed as well. Most of these are image processessing software written by Emmanuel Bertin and can be fetched from

  • SExtractor (astromatic)
  • PSFex (astromatic)
  • SWarp (astromatic)
  • SkyMaker (optional, used for simulations) (astromatic)
  • PyRAF (recommended install through Anaconda)
  • ISIS (automatically installed during OasisPy setup)